Leftists never seem to pass up a chance to demonstrate that for all their claims that Trump is a “fascist” who is bent on destroying “our democracy,” they’re the real totalitarians who are absolutely intolerant of dissent and determined to stamp it out. This played out yet again on Friday at a club called Chatterbox Jazz in Indianapolis, where a he/she/they bartender threatened a woman wearing a MAGA hat with a baseball bat and unceremoniously threw her out of the bar, as patrons sat by and laughed at the spectacle. And it’s understandable that they’d be amused: after all, this wasn’t something serious, like a Christian baker declining to make a cake for a gay wedding.
Journalist Todd Starnes noted that the victim of Chatterbox’s fascism, an Indianapolis woman named Elise Hensley, posted video of the incident on her Facebook page. The video begins after she has been ordered out of the bar. “I have a question,” she says, and the bartender answers, in the voice of peevish weakness that guys like this always have, “No! No! We’re not answering questions! Get out of the bar!” Hensley repeatedly asks why, and finally the bartender, who is wearing a Saint Patrick’s Day shamrock despite the certainty that Saint Patrick himself would find him utterly abhorrent, explains: “Because you’re a Trump supporter.”
“I know,” Hensley responds, capitalist that she is, “but don’t you guys want our money?”
The bartender, no doubt a Marxist whether or not he or she or xe realizes how thoroughly he has been indoctrinated, shoots back: “No! Actually, we don’t. Geh—get out of my bar right now.” When Hensley doesn’t start moving toward the door, the righteously angry barkeep walks over and reaches for a baseball bat, as someone else in the bar calls out to Hensley, “You’re not welcome.” The bartender repeats: “I’m not f**king around. Get out of my bar.”
As the bartender stands holding the bat and staring at Hensley, she asks: “Are you serious?” He says: “I’m dead serious. Out.” She asks for confirmation: “Because I’m wearing a Trump hat.”
“Yes!” the bartender responds readily. “That’s wild!” says Hensley, to which the bartender replies: “I don’t care. Get out.” Another bartender chimes in: “We can call the police, or you can just leave.” Hensley says: “You know this is discrimination, right?” This causes the bar to erupt in laughter. “Discrimination?” howls the enraged bartender who had been talking with Hensley the most: “Boo hoo. Boo f**king hoo. Get out of my bar.”
And that was that, except that it’s virtually certain that most, if not all, of the Chatterbox Jazz customers who were laughing and jeering at Elise Hensley, as well as the bartender himself/herself, were enraged at Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado for declining to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission even found Phillips guilty of discriminating against the couple, although the Supreme Court later ruled in Phillips’ favor. In those days, leftists would routinely affirm that no one should be denied service because of his or her or xer beliefs.
As is always the case with leftists, however, that only applies to patriots, not to themselves. Consistency is not the left’s strong suit, or even a matter of interest to them. They’re so adamantly convinced that they’re right and righteous that they have no problem with depriving those whom they hate and fear of any and all of the rights they would insist upon for themselves.
Related: Is This Premier Pitcher Barred from Major League Baseball Because He Supports Trump?
This is why the rulers of Marxist states have invariably lived in sumptuous mansions and feasted on gourmet fare while enjoining socialist belt-tightening among their people. The rules that they impose upon everyone else simply don’t apply to them; their ideological correctness and purity confers upon them an immunity from having to conform to the restrictions that everyone else has to endure.
So while there is nothing illegal about how Elise Hensley was treated at Chatterbox Jazz, the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the left is on full display. Patriots in Indianapolis who are looking for a drink can and should go elsewhere, as should anyone who is tired of the left’s authoritarianism and hatred. In a just world, Chatterbox Jazz should be forced to close soon for lack of business, after everyone who is still sane starts going elsewhere. Here’s hoping.
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