I keep thinking there couldn’t be anything left to go wrong with Disney’s Snow White that hasn’t already short of some sort of an implanted digital virus that smokes every copy of it irreversibly just as the movie starts to roll.
As usual, I was wrong. My optimistic nature led me astray again.
It turns out there are still humiliations left to be endured by the ill-fated remake.
Angry little people who believe they were stripped of their dreams of being ‘born to play Dopey‘ are back.
And, man – they are riled up and fixin’ to let the Mouse know.
Actress Ali Chapman, 50, who is 3ft 8in tall, branded the remake “a total travesty” and said little people had flown in from around the world to tell Disney “it isn’t acceptable”.
Chapman said: “It’s a total travesty. People have come from everywhere to tell Disney it isn’t acceptable.”
Her husband, actor Matt McCarthy, who is 4ft 1in and also has dwarfism, said: “We’ve been totally shut out but we’re not going down quietly. It’s hard enough in Hollywood. Everyone’s trying to make their dreams come true. When you’re a little person opportunities are few and far between. I was born to play Dopey.”
You know, I really can’t blame them, and it’s the club-footed, hamfisted, tripping over its own DEI drool, progressively woke studio’s own fault that a controversy about the Seven Dwarves got this far, to begin with.
It’s a remake of Snow White. She was befriended by seven dwarves, however much Disney hates that word.
However much they wanted to shake things up and make them acceptable to everyone by substituting the seven Who the Hell Are These Guys? when they started releasing sneak peeks of the casting.
Not a rumor, they were ditched after massive backlash and extreme ridicule that they’d never come back from, so they put in the CGI nightmare dwarves to “fix” it.
— Jet Screamer (@JScreamer13807) March 14, 2025
In the first place, what were they doing in a field? The original fellas all worked in a mine.
And then…well. The picture said it all and the innerwebs exploded.
Disney did such a good job of erasing these merry men from the collective memory that many people think they never really existed or were some sort of publicity feint.
Ah..no, but plenty of Disney executives probably came close to fainting after the backlash.
It didn’t help that Peter Dinklage, best known for playing an unstable homicidal maniac on ‘Game of Thrones,‘ had wweighed in about ‘negative stereotypes’ and spooked the company even more.
…“Literally no offense to anything, but I was sort of taken aback,” he said. “They were very proud to cast a Latino actress as Snow White, but you’re still telling the story of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.’ Take a step back and look at what you’re doing there. It makes no sense to me. You’re progressive in one way, but you’re still making that f***ing backward story about seven dwarfs living in a cave together. Have I done nothing to advance the cause from my soapbox? I guess I’m not loud enough.”
The day of the the interview’s publication, Disney stated that it wanted to consult with members of the dwarfism community on the film. A day later, the studio changed tactics: It would change the dwarf characters to “magical creatures” created with CGI. And that’s where the real trouble began.
Which is great for him to be virtue signaling, right? But I saw a fellow small actor on Gutfeld (I think) shortly thereafter, and he pretty much told Dinklage to put a sock in it.
His argument was like, yo, dude – you have a great gig on GoT, get regular parts, regular big, fat paychecks, and are well known.
Peter Dicklage is doing all he can to ensure HE gets ALL the ‘little people’ rolls!
— BrownSkin (@BrunusCutis) March 13, 2025
That made perfect sense to me but it didn’t help anyone get hired for the movie with the Chicken Littles at Disney.
Of course, it didn’t help that Snow White was busy torpedoing the movie all by herself.
The dwarf jobs faded away and their cheap, non-union CGI replacements were born in the studio who have nowhere near the charm of the original, lovingly rendered cartoon characters.
Classic sick woke BS. Disney remakes Snow White & is pressured by Peter Dinklage (go to little people actor) to not use real dwarfs ‘cause it’s demeaning. So, Disney CGIs the dwarfs instead infuriating other little people actors who lost out on jobs. 🙄 https://t.co/676kLhHKL3
— Steven Baio (@Fiobaio) March 18, 2025
Personally, I think they ought to be in front of you-know-who’s house protesting, but Disney it is.
Unless it’s a reality show, there hasn’t been much work for dwarves who act – outside of Peter Dinklage’s phone ringing – in a town that’s all about posturing for inclusivity.
…This is not the only time oh-so progressive Hollywood has erased dwarfs from a remake. The insufferable Taika Waititi remade Terry Gilliam’s classic 1981 comedy Time Bandits into an Apple TV+ streaming series without dwarfs.
As far as Disney, does anything reveal more about this degenerate company than the fact they are eager to expose small children to transvestites, drag queens, homosexuality, and transsexuals, but not dwarfs?
All the squawking about it now doesn’t change anything, sadly.
…Mr Beacher said: ‘It’s a disgrace. Snow White isn’t the first time little people have been overlooked.
‘If Hollywood is about inclusion and diversity then you could have had talented little people actors in all of these roles.
‘This is a moment in history. Equality is a movement but when it comes to little people no-one in Hollywood is representing them.
‘This was a beautiful opportunity to hire seven diverse highly-talented little people actors and actresses and Hollywood failed.
They have every right to unload on the company and there will be no better time or platform in the public’s eye than when this disaster finally opens. So good luck to them and…
…A senior Disney executive told the MoS the imagery of scores of placard-waving little people protesting outside the studio giant’s Burbank studio gates could be the final nail in the coffin for the Snow White remake.
He sighed: ‘It’s been a total PR disaster. This is a $270 million movie but we can’t wait for this week to be over. The idea of hundreds of dwarfs protesting Snow White in front of Disney Studios is just too depressing to imagine.’