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West Coast, Messed Coast™ – American Honor Defeats Woke Loser and It Feels So Good – PJ Media

This week in the West Coast, Messed Coast™ update: A celebrity chef puts his money where his mouth is, somebody’s stealing from “the children” in San Francisco, and American honor made a comeback in a Washington State town and you can knock us over with a feather. 

Let’s do the feel-good story of the week first, shall we? It’s the one about the smug woke chick who lost to an American patriot in a game of…

Woke, paper, scissors 

It started last year, when the city council of Newcastle, Wash. agreed to fly the gay pride flag, causing a mass outcry by residents. The council flipped its decision and said it would fly the American flag because it represented everyone. 

But LGBT+ activists were back this week to force the hand of the council after it chose to fly the POW/MIA flag, as required by a 2019 law, written by Liz Warren and signed by Donald Trump. 

After taking personal jabs at Mayor Robert Clark, which an activist had already been doing on Facebook and other social media, she called flying the POW/MIA flag a “political stunt.” 

Let’s be clear. The pride flag represents pride in one’s sexual choices and should in no way be confused with the sacrifice of those who were taken prisoners of war (POW) or went missing in action (MIA) during wartime. They’re in no way comparable. 

     Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™ — A Sanctuary State for Pedos? Yes, Really.

The Seattle area activist told the mayor and those gathered at the three-hour-long meeting that flying the POW/MIA flag was a trick. The woman said, “I’ve talked before about the hypocrisy, and I think that your approach to trying to trick people out of having to fly the Pride flag in June by making sure the POW-MIA flag was flown is really disgusting.”

Get your helmet and Kevlar on, lady, because you’ve got incoming. 

Something we haven’t seen on the West Coast in years — American honor — finally made a comeback in the public square in Washington State. 

“It’s not common that I respond to public comment,” the mayor told the gathering, “but I will not sit here and have somebody tell me that veterans are a political stunt. How dare you?”

He was just getting warmed up. 

This country was founded because veterans lost their lives, hundreds of thousands of people died for this country so you could fly your Pride flag. Man, I am pissed.

Those 82,000 people who never came home — will never have a chance to have a family or grow up. While you can fly your Pride flag, they sacrifice their lives all over the world for America and for freedom around the world.

Then he told her never to disparage veterans in his presence again. 

The mayor shows pride in his daily life. His biography reads that he “proudly served 10 years in the U.S. Navy.” 

That should cover the flybys.

Sponsors goeth before Pride 

In San Francisco, several huge-money sponsors have pulled out of the bottomless chaps-wearing partygoers’ annual event, the LGBT+ s*x fest known as the Pride Celebration. 

California Political Review reports that Comcast, Anheuser-Busch, the titanic-sized Diageo liquor distributor, and La Crema winery pulled out of the June 28 and 29 event, citing “lack of funds.”  Meta dropped the event a week before the others pulled out. 

Event organizer Suzanne Ford thinks it’s all Donald Trump’s fault. “I’m very concerned,” she told KTVU-TV. “Obviously,” she claimed, “there’s pressure from the federal government,” citing “the tone [that] changed in this country.” 

“I think people who, [DEI] isn’t their hardcore value of their corporation, maybe they’re rethinking their investment,” she concluded.

Related: West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Lies and Spies Edition

Trans-lation: We can’t blackmail these companies with impunity anymore. 

Generational left

Someone’s been stealing from the till at San Francisco schools in a payroll scandal. A lack of IT safety measures allows knowledgeable people, presumably at the district, to create phony employees and get the money. 

They’re investigating. Don’t worry, taxpayers, you’ll pay for all of it. 

The problems with the new payroll system have made the teachers union quite cranky. 

[T]he teachers union said it has recently experienced problems with payments from the district. Frank Lara, executive vice president of the United Educators of San Francisco, said the union is waiting for approximately $160,000 in membership fees that the district should have directed to its bank account.

Perhaps someone at IT could get Mr. Janus on the line. 

This week, chef and restauranteur Andrew Gruel became the newest member of the Huntington Beach, Calif., city council. 

Police had to clear the room before his swearing-in. 

Gruel is a frequent presence on Fox News shows and the Food Network. 

He became involved in politics during COVID when he realized that incompetents were running the government. 

To thank him for his service, the left has promised to destroy his Calico Fish House chain of restaurants.

They haven’t ruined everything yet 

No, it’s not a meteor. It’s a time-lapse of the blood moon over Portland.

Until next time, keep your head down.

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