For years we’ve been telling CHQ readers and friends about the threat posed by Wall Street investment firms bankrolling Communist China’s military-industrial complex. Here and here are just two examples of our warnings over the years.

Last month, President Trump told his administration to implement an “America First Investment Policy” to stop Wall Street’s underwriting – and greatly intensifying – the threat we face from Communist China.
Yet, this month four prominent U.S. investment banks, with long records of giving millions of dollars to Democrats, defied his executive action by ramping up their China First investment policy: J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are helping a Chinese military company called CATL raise $7 billion dollars or more from American investors.
Several CHQ readers have asked how these Wall Street traitors have gotten away with funding our enemies for all these years?
One way is by plowing millions of the dollars they’ve earned bankrolling our enemies back into American – mostly Democrat, but some establishment Republican – political campaigns.
We’re not claiming there’s a one-to-one ratio, but money is fungible, and in the political marketplace it flows to those candidates and the political party most likely to advance the interests of the donor – and in the case of these investment houses it is the soft on Communist China Democrats – not Donald Trump.
The tell that these millions in donations are driven by the Democrats’ Communist China-friendly policies is that in practically every other sphere of economic regulation Wall Street is opposed to the policies of the Democrats. Allowing American investment bankers to invest in Communist Chinese military industries is about the only area in which Democrats are in synch with Wall Street.
And this has been true over time, even if it fluctuates slightly from election to election.
In 2016 JP Morgan-related donors gave Hillary Clinton $571,268, they gave the DNC $283,611 and another $49,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Committee. To be fair, they also gave over $78,000 to Red China-compromised GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush, whom Peter Schweitzer called out in his must-read book “Red Handed.”
Eventual winner of the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump wasn’t even in the top 10 recipients of JP Morgan banker’s political support.
It was even worse in 2020. The thoroughly Communist China-compromised Joe Biden received $1,062,047, Donald Trump, just a little over $250,000.
And in 2024 Kamala Harris received $723,291from JP Morgan-affiliated donors, nearly five times the $126,868 contributed to eventual winner Donald Trump.
Can a firm employing some of America’s most sophisticated data analysts be that bad at reading the political tea leaves, or were they backing the candidate who was going to keep the door to Communist China’s largess open?
In 2016 Bank of America donors similarly put their money on the China-friendly candidates – Hillary Clinton received six times the donations that Donald Trump received, $506,973 versus Trump’s $82,525. Red China-friendly establishment Republicans Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan both received more support than did Donald Trump.
In 2020 Bank of America donors gave almost twice as much to Red China Joe ($927,253) as they did to Donald Trump ($521,222).
Communist China-friendly candidate Kamala Harris also received more than three times as much as Donald Trump received from Bank of America-affiliated donors in 2024. Harris got $609,653; Trump only $187,222.
In 2016 Morgan Stanley-affiliated donations went almost 10 to 1 in favor of China-friendly Hillary Clinton – $498,918 vs. $58,918, and Communist China compromised establishment Republican Jeb Bush got almost twice as much support ($90,485) as Trump did.
In 2020 Morgan Stanley donors went all in for Red China Joe giving the challenger more than twice as much as they donated to Donald Trump, $607,142 vs. $289,494, even after (or maybe because of) the revelations about the millions flowing from Red China to the Biden family coffers began to leak out.
In 2024, once again Red China-loving investment bankers at Morgan Stanley backed the pro-Communist candidate more than 3 to 1: Kamala Harris $394,493 vs, Donald Trump $123,763.
Goldman Sachs has been no better and arguably worse than the other participants in the coming CATL IPO. In 2016 Hillary Clinton booked $402,642 in campaign money from Goldman’s China-friendly bankers. Donald Trump didn’t even make the top 10, but China compromised establishment Republican Jeb Bush received $207,250.
In 2020 Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee received almost $1 million from the Communist China-loving bankers at Goldman Sachs, Donald Trump and his campaign weren’t even in the top ten. Indeed, of the top ten beneficiaries of Goldman Sachs bankers’ political donations, seven of them were Red China-friendly Leftist Democrat candidates or committees.
In 2024, once again Donald Trump did not make the top ten recipients of political contributions from Goldman Sachs bankers, but Kamala Harris received $219,166. China-friendly Democrat Senator Jon Tester received almost $100,000 even after he was caught hypocritically sponsoring an anti-China bill while taking donations from Red China-affiliated land buying interests.
However, we will give Goldman a little two-finger clap for going all in for GOP Senate candidate, now Senator, Dave McCormick of Pennsylvania – husband of Goldman Sachs executive and former Trump 45 Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell.
What does this recitation of the political donating habits of the bankers behind the CATL IPO and other Wall Street deals to ship American dollars to Communist China’s military-industrial complex mean?
Maybe nothing and maybe everything.
No matter what crazy or oppressive tax hikes and regulatory schemes the Democrats propose – and Wall Street regularly lobbies against – the one thing in which they have a mutual interest is keeping the money flowing from and to Communist China. American investment dollars flow out to Communist China, commissions and servicing fees flow back from Communist China to Wall Street bankers, and, as the numbers show, bundles of campaign cash flow from Wall Street to Communist China-compromised Democrat candidates.
George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie’s and is a veteran of over 300 political campaigns. A member of American MENSA, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle, as Director of Policy and Communication for then-Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12) then Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, and as spokesman for retired Rep. Mac Thornberry, former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
2024 Election
MAGA Agenda
Wall Street
GOP establishment
Chinese Communist Party
CATL batteries
Department of Defense contracts
JP Morgan
Bank of America
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
Chinese Weapons Systems
Joe Biden administration
America First investments
U.S. Department of Defense