First of all, I can tell you for an ironclad, take-it-to-the-bank FACT that the fundraising for Joe Biden’s presidential library is off to a lousy start. How do I know? Simple: Hunter Biden is broke.
Presidential libraries can cost $800 million or more — which means it’s a target-rich environment for kickbacks to the Big Guy’s family. (“Ayyy, dis wall looks like it needs one of dem paintin’s on it [sniff]. My kid’s a fabulous artist, if youze understand me.”) Are you kidding? Fundraising — for a construction project! — is Griftapalooza. If dollars were ANYWHERE near the vicinity, the Bidens would have their hands in the honeypot.
Because it’s true: You really can learn a lot by “following the money.” But sometimes, you can learn just as much by following the absence of money.
So, we know the Democratic base is giving Joe Biden the Jimmy Carter treatment: He’s persona non grata. No more influence, no more money, no more fingers in the pie (“Ayyy, fuggedabowdit.”). There won’t be any second acts. The (check)book is officially closed.
The lifetime banishment of the Bidens is the first of my three political predictions. None are set in stone; humans are weird and unpredictable, and we’ve all made decisions contrary to our own self-interest. (PR Media lawyers demanded that disclaimer.) But more often than not, we’re rational actors: The tastiest fruit is the low-hanging fruit. We don’t wanna work any harder than we have to. Everything else being equal, we choose the easiest, simplest path to our desired destination.
It’s Game Theory 101.
And this brings us to our second political prediction: Kamala Harris will be the next governor of California.
It’s her smartest, safest move: She can rebuild her reputation, gain executive experience, and seize a high-profile platform to stay in the national conversation. (And besides, after Gavin Newsom literally let Los Angeles burn to the ground, by contrast, she might actually do an impressive job.)
Her supporters fret that the Golden State governorship in 2026 would exclude her from a 2028 presidential run. But that’s nonsense. Ron DeSantis was reelected governor of Florida in 2022, and that certainly didn’t stop him from pursuing the 2024 GOP nomination.
You don’t need too much of a crystal ball to foresee a future where Gov. Harris is “recruited” to run for president in 2027 — because golly gee, our nation desperately needs her leadership! So, she’ll stoically look the camera in the eye and announce that she’s (reluctantly) accepting her country’s call.
Hey, what else can a gal do?
Politico reported that she’s about to make a decision:
Harris aides note she has long been intrigued by the idea of being the chief executive of the fifth-largest economy in the world and the first Black woman to be governor in America.
So Kamala Harris will be the next governor of California. It might not be in California’s best interest, but it’s absolutely in Kamala’s.
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The third and final prediction is that the government shutdown is 100% going to happen. We actually predicted this two days ago — and a lot has happened since then. A quick flashback to Wednesday’s article:
The Politico story… (“Democrats Are Serious About a Shutdown”) is the classic liberal trial balloon: You float a story out to a “trusted” media outlet, hoping to get a feel for public opinion. If you get a good response, you double down; if the opposite happens, you forget it and move on.
Well, the Democrats just floated a second trial balloon — to the same outlet, too. Politico published this eye-popping headline a few hours ago: “Senate Democrats’ impending choice: Shutdown or surrender.”
Yikes! That’s a helluva way to frame the story! You mean, those are the ONLY two options — a surrender or a shutdown? Garsh! I mean, if that’s the case, you can’t really blame the Democrats, can you?
What other choice did they have?!
There you have it: Kamala Harris will be the next governor of California, the government’s definitely heading for a shutdown, and the Bidens are banished for life.
Book it.
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