It’s one thing for state officials to try and fight back against government-oriented procedures because they think they’re doing the right thing. But it’s another when it’s simply a small town sheriff that doesn’t believe the state’s rules should apply to his department.
That’s the case with Sheriff John Mina of the Orange County, Florida, office. According to Law Enforcement Today, Mina made it clear that his department should not provide any assistance to ICE or immigration officials without going through him first.
That means if they encounter any sort of illegal immigrant or, dare we say it, violent gang member, they must go through him in order to take action. Does that sound unsafe to anyone else?
Mina noted, “Any ICE/immigration related calls must be cleared through the chain of command.”
I understand having to wait for clearance in certain situations, like if evidence is being gathered against a particular subject. But this is asking for trouble — especially if said illegal immigrant manages to slip through the grasp of police as a result — and potentially creating more harm for American citizens.
Since that time, Law Enforcement Today got hold of a document, with Mina assuring his officers that he was doing the right thing with what he believes is a much clearer statement.
“Our priority at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is to target violent criminals and drug dealers who put our citizens directly in harm’s way. But let me be clear; We will continue to enforce all laws within our authority including those that relate to unlawful immigration. In addition to that, we will continue to cooperate with state and federal partners to target criminals in our community.”
It sounds like he’s trying to cover up for his actions. Like he wants it both ways. He wants to enforce the law and make sure citizens are kept safe, but still doesn’t quite feel on board with following a mandate as set by his government when it comes to illegal immigrants.
I can’t imagine his officers’ frustration right now, having to be restrained over something such as his beliefs. They’re out there to do their job, and, need I remind you, they put their lives on the line in doing so. Mina shouldn’t have to limit them to the point where they could be put at risk.
That said, something interesting has emerged from this. Florida officials recently introduced a procedure where local police officers can report their superiors to the state if they feel they are not following mandated rules.
Florida immigration czar Larry Keefe noted that, alongside Mina’s men, there are “concerned law enforcement officers and employees” who can use a “Law Enforcement Accountability Dashboard” to leave reports. What’s more, they can do so anonymously.
“This reporting system will provide a direct channel for officers and employees to report any failure by their agency to comply with Florida’s immigration enforcement policies,” Keefe said. “Let there be no misunderstanding — Florida law will be enforced.”
I am so happy about this. No doubt, Gov. Ron DeSantis and his co-officials got word of what Mina was doing and acted quickly to ensure the matter was heard loud and clear. And what’s more, they’re prepared to enforce it to protect the Florida citizens from harm.
What’s more, a new program could be underway that would allow Florida officers to act under local immigration enforcement. That would put Mina’s concerns on the back burner in favor of keeping people out of harm’s way as it should be.
I’m sure the battle isn’t over, as Mina and others will likely complain for the sake of the “humanity” of the immigrants at hand. But there’s a reason Trump is doing all this, folks. There’s a reason Florida officials had to activate that online reporting board. It’s a matter of following procedure and making sure everyone is safe from these harmful gang members and criminals.
Let’s remember who we’re fighting for, shall we? Mina sure could use a reminder.