FeaturedShabbat Messages

The Power of Collective Action and the World Zionist Congress Elections | Women’s League for Conservative Judaism

By Julia Loeb, WLCJ International President

The Power of Collective Action and the World Zionist Congress Elections

In this week’s Torah portion, Vayakhel, Moses assembles the entire community of Israel to contribute materials and skills to the building of the Mishkan, the sacred Tabernacle. The Mishkan could not be built by one person, one leader, or one tribe. The completion of this sacred project was only possible through communal effort—a lesson that remains relevant today.

If you had the opportunity to contribute to your community, to help shape the future of Israel and Jewish life in the diaspora – all from your home with a cup of coffee in your hand—would you take it? Good news!  You have that opportunity right now. 

The elections for the World Zionist Congress (WZC) are underway and will continue until May 4. (Note:  Canadian elections for the WZC will take place at a later date.) Your vote can make a huge difference. Voting for MERCAZ USA, the Conservative/Masorti slate, helps ensure that pluralism, democracy, and egalitarian Judaism have a strong voice in shaping the future of Judaism in Israel and around the world.

The WZC, founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897, is the “parliament of the Jewish people,” the democratic body that helps set policies and allocates over a billion dollars to key Jewish institutions in Israel and beyond. With your vote, the allocation of those funds can impact issues such as religious pluralism, Jewish education, and community development. One-third of the delegates who make the decisions about the distribution of the funds are determined by this US election. In the last WZC in 2020, Ultra-Orthodox representation in the WZC far exceeded their proportion in American Jewry while Conservative/Masorti Jews were under-represented. Without strong participation from our Movement, this imbalance will continue.

By registering to vote and casting your vote for MERCAZ USA (Slate number 17 on the ballot), you are:

Supporting Religious Pluralism – Ensuring funding for Conservative/Masorti synagogues, schools, and institutions in the U.S. and in Israel.

Advocating for Gender Equality – Strengthening women’s voices and leadership roles in Jewish life.

Defending Democratic Values – Promoting an Israel that respects diverse expressions of Judaism and protecting the ability of Jews worldwide to practice Judaism in a way that aligns with their values.

Investing in Jewish Education – Providing resources for Conservative/Masorti youth programs, camps, and leadership development.

Combating Antisemitism– Directing resources into our communities to combat antisemitism and providing education that addresses the root causes of hate.

Your vote matters.  You cannot assume that others will step up and protect your rights and interests. A story from Midrash Tanchuma tells us that a king invited all his citizens to contribute a jug of wine to a communal barrel for a great celebration. One man thought, “If I pour in water instead of wine, it won’t matter. With so many others contributing, no one will notice.” However, when the king opened the barrel on the day of the feast, it contained only water. Too many had the same idea, and everyone drank water instead of wine as a result.

As a result of this election, we can witness a new era of pluralism and respect for egalitarian Judaism because we all contributed, or we can end up with a barrel of missed opportunities. The lesson is clear — every vote matters; every vote for MERCAZ USA helps create a more inclusive, pluralistic, and democratic Jewish future.

Now is the time. Make your voice heard—vote MERCAZ USA in the World Zionist Congress elections and if you already voted, reach out to five friends to make sure that they have voted too. Together, we can help build a Jewish world that reflects OUR values.

Please click here to vote (votemercazusa.org) and contact azm@votem.com, campaignmanager@mercazusa.org, or call: 888-492-4763 with any questions about the registration or voting process.

Shabbat Shalom,

Julia Loeb

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