Closing the tabs …
Agent #9
A great man has died, who happened to be my friend.
His name was Clint Hill, and if you knew of him, it’s probably because you’ve seen him on television. Clint was Agent #9—the now-famous Secret Service agent who chased down the convertible and…
— The Real Mike Rowe (@mikeroweworks) February 24, 2025
Ed: Be sure to read this in full. Clint Hill carried the burden of JFK’s death the rest of his life, an unfortunate and unfair fate for a man who valiantly served his country. May he find the complete peace in the Lord that history denied him in this world. RIP and thank you for your service.
Sunday, Germany held national elections for the parliament, the Bundestag. Congrats to the German people and their ~83% turnout, the greatest I believe, since unification.
The previous government led by SPD and hobbled the the Greens was unstable at best, and was not doing great things for the German people. That would be why the SPD’s results were the worst since 1887. …
Final note: to my fellow Americans. If your state took longer to report their votes than all of Germany did to report its on Sunday, don’t get upset if people call into question the fidelity and accuracy of your elections, if not the validity of the results.
Ed: Amen to this. John wrote more about the election itself, as did Beege, so be sure to read his take. CDR Salamander has a really good analysis here too, but this final note is spot-on. We need to make that the standard across all 50 states in national elections, as accuracy and speed produce confidence in the results.
🚨Video from my FOIA request shows 58-year-old Richard Cox, who identifies as transgender, telling Fairfax County police that he should be allowed to use a women’s locker room at a Fairfax County rec center in Oakton despite being a registered sex offender.
WJLA was the first to…
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) February 23, 2025
Ed: Hey, I thought this never happens! The next questions is … does this guy work for the NSA?
We have cultivated sources within the National Security Agency—one current employee and one former employee—who have provided chat logs from the NSA’s Intelink messaging program. According to an NSA press official, “All NSA employees sign agreements stating that publishing non-mission related material on Intelink is a usage violation and will result in disciplinary action.” Nonetheless, these logs, dating back two years, are lurid, featuring wide-ranging discussions of sex, kink, polyamory, and castration.
One popular chat topic was male-to-female transgender surgery, which involves surgically removing the penis and turning it into an artificial vagina. “[M]ine is everything,” said one male who claimed to have had gender reconstruction surgery. “[I]’ve found that i like being penetrated (never liked it before GRS), but all the rest is just as important as well.” Another intelligence official boasted that genital surgery allowed him “to wear leggings or bikinis without having to wear a gaff under it.”
Ed: It gets worse from there. Be sure to prep a shower with disinfectant after reading this, and wonder just how much attention is being paid to counterintelligence.
🚨 Joy Reid breaks down sobbing while addressing being fired from MSNBC:
“My show had value…whether it was the Black Lives Matter issues…We need to understand 1619 as the real founding of this country…Gaza…the American people have a right to object to little babies being…
— (@townhallcom) February 24, 2025
Ed: In a sane world, this would explain why her show lost half its audience.
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President Trump’s election has brought about mass layoffs among federal employees and contractors, including some who have sued and others who have protested.
But one group — that of America’s would-be censors — is taking its cause worldwide.
During the Biden administration, a massive industry took root, seeping up billions in taxpayer funds to research, target and combat those accused of misinformation, disinformation and “malinformation.”
Although the exact number is uncertain, many trained censors are now facing unemployment. These self-described “disinformation experts” have become the modern equivalent of rōnin, the Japanese samurai who found themselves without a master and wandered the land looking for a new use of their skill set. They are finding precisely that calling in academia, not-for-profit groups and, most importantly, Europe.
Ed: That’s why we keep pitching for support. These censors have suffered a defeat, but they are not gone yet. They are reorganizing for the next incarnation of the Ministry of Truth. Read all of Professor Turley’s fine essay.
NEW: Actress Natasha Lyonne says President Trump really “rips” her apart because 12 year old girls can’t get abortions during an incoherent rant.
“I’m actually pretty horrified by how strategic and effective this whole thing has been.”
“Like this country’s always…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 23, 2025
Ed: Res ipsa loquitur.
An ironclad canon of the Church of Carbon™ is that parishioners are not allowed to have nice things, which explains the following bit of regulatory tomfoolery:
In what it is calling “a bold move” to combat climate change, the City of Ottawa has introduced a strict by-law limiting residents from using remote car starters to warm up their vehicles for more than one minute before driving. The law, intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve local air quality, has sparked heated debate, especially given Ottawa’s notoriously harsh winters. The new rule allows vehicles to idle for just 60 seconds if the driver is not inside.
Yes, you read that right: It is illegal in Ottawa to heat up your car in subzero weather.
Ed: It’s not just the censors who will reorganize in defeat. It’s all of the elitist authoritarians in every sector.
Federal Worker: “I got this email Saturday afternoon…I felt absolutely infuriated getting this email with a demand within 48 hours to provide a response on what I did in the last week…”
— (@townhallcom) February 24, 2025
Ed: At least she got the message! Get ready for life in the private sector, buttercup.
Mind you, Trump has been in office for a little over a month and is trying to clean up a mess four years in the making thanks to a disastrous Biden regime.
‘I believe that this administration, in less than 30 days is in the midst of a massive collapse and particularly a collapse in public opinion,’ Carville concluded.
Could he be right? Well, let’s look at the facts.
Ed: Scott Jennings’ takedown is worth reading in full. My thoughts can be found here.