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Is This Why the Epstein Files Are Still Not Released? – HotAir

We’ve gotten a lot of different excuses for why the Jeffrey Epstein files are still not released. 

The first, and undoubtedly partial reason, is that the fine folks who had the files in New York refused to release them. Their resistance was so strong that the head of the New York FBI office–one of the most prestigious positions in the FBI–was forced out for hiding the documents and for calling on his agents to resist Donald Trump. 

Pam Bondi’s stunt–it can only be called that, unfortunately–of “releasing” already public files to social media influencers backfired spectacularly. She still gets regular criticism from MAGA folks for promising much and providing nothing, and if you search on X you will find daily complaints and dark theories about why we have seen nothing yet. 

Bondi could have and should have lowered expectations and delayed a big production. Instead her production landed like a preview of Disney’s new Snow White. 

Bondi has said they are going through a “truckload” of documents to redact names that should never be released–primarily those of victims and witnesses who have a right to privacy–and that makes sense. It takes time to redact if you have thousands of documents, or probably tens of thousands since this was a huge case. 

Alina Habba provides a new twist, and we will have to see if it is real, or another headfake: you can’t dump all this documentation into the public realm if they will be used as evidence in a criminal prosecution, and such prosecutions are coming. Grand Juries will be called and the evidence will be laid out to them first, and then in court. 

Alina Habba claims that the reason that the truck load of Epstein files haven’t been released yet is that they want to prosecute the clients on the list. 

The wait will be worth it if they actually arrest these criminals. 

But they cannot redact important information. We want the truth!

“You have to be patient because when you are wanting to prosecute and actually do something with the information you have. You have to make sure that you save the integrity of the investigation. Making sure we put forth the information that would still assist us in bringing these individuals to justice. Transparency is 100% coming. 

We did get the documents…I would say to the American people, yes, they got the documents. Now we have them. We have to go through them. I also frankly believe in transparency. Sometimes we have to wait a little bit. I know they are actively working on it.” 

Mayyybeee… I hope so. I sorta, kinda believe it. It makes sense. And in many ways would lead to a better outcome in the long run, in terms of justice. 

But even if this is so, that means the documents will be tied up for years. The lawyers and grand jury will see them, but unless and until there is a trial or there are trials, the public will not. It’s hard to see how the Justice Department could dump the files into the public domain and still use them in a trial, although I am no lawyer. 

This issue has been a loser, not a winner for Trump. He made extravagant promises that have not been and might never be fulfilled, even if for largely legitimate reasons. Conspiracy theories are forming about exactly why the files have been withheld, and even plausible explanations look like excuses. Even if the wheels of justice are grinding slowly and legitimately, people are angry and feel justice will never be served. 

The non-release of the Epstein files–and to be clear, the whole “list” is the tip of the iceberg because we know most of the names, just not what they did exactly–has been the greatest blunder of the Trump administration in many people’s eyes. I believe everybody’s intentions were good, and that they wanted to do what they said, but so far they have overpromised and underdelivered, which is a bad look. 

Trump’s base is inclined to give him a lot of runway, and the president is doing a lot of good and this is almost certainly not his fault. But those around him should have tempered expectations because even just the redaction issue was predictable. The deadline could never be met, and a fake release of the files was worse than no release at all. 

TUCKER CARLSON: WHY WEREN’T THE EPSTEIN FILES RELEASED?“I never thought much about the Epstein story until I realized that the 2-time Republican Attorney General Barr lied about it.Why would Barr lie about this?Epstein was big Democratic donor. Barr was not close to Trump. He’s not covering for Trump. What is that?I don’t know the answer, but that was the moment where I was like, ‘Woah!'”

You could even make the case that once the redactions are done, the administration should dump all the evidence in public and let the chips fall where they may, even if the criminal cases are put into jeopardy. Public exposure–especially where there are tapes–will destroy the malefactors, and even failed trials would tie up the perpetrators for years. Their influence over our politics and culture would be destroyed. 

That might not be “justice,” but arguably could be better for the country than the files being locked up for years of legal wrangling. 

What do you think? Letting the world know that a billionaire or politician is a pedophilic sex offender and not a public benefactor could shake up our elite quite nicely. 

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