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Good News! The New York Times Has Found Its Candidate for 2028! – PJ Media

It’s early yet. A great deal is going to happen before the actual choosing of the 2028 Democratic presidential candidate that will upset any calculations that are being made now. Nevertheless, that isn’t stopping Democrats and non-Democrats alike from speculating as to who will emerge as the nominee of the Party of Enforced Insanity. 

Kamala Harris has a big lead in the polls, but no one is particularly thrilled about that, least of all the Democrats who jumped off the cliff of Joy with her in 2024, and so the party top dogs are casting around with increasing desperation for someone to pull them out of the hole they’ve dug themselves into. 

On Sunday, the New York Times picked its candidate (at least for now): it rolled out a puff piece over 1,500 words long, complete with flattering photos of the anointed candidate and earnest analysis of why she was the right choice for right-thinking people — that is, for the Times, left-thinking people. The choice of the moment for the New York Times is none other than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Swizzle Stick). 

Yes, it’s really true. The New York Times is touting, as a viable presidential candidate, the congresswoman whose lack of basic knowledge of how the U.S. government works and other matters that you’d think even a bartender would know has made her an enduring object of ridicule among patriots. The congresswoman who has inspired ongoing speculation as to whether the “D” after her name stands for “Ditz.” The congresswoman who is so far to the left as to make Chairman Mao look like a capitalist roader. That Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

It’s precisely because AOC is so very far to the left that the Grey Lady wants our nation to turn its lonely eyes to her. “For the last decade,” the Times puff piece begins, “Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has been running for president, planning a run for president or pushing former President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to adopt more progressive policies.” By “progressive,” of course, the Times means statist, Washington-centered, federally controlled and authoritarian. 

And now, the evil Orange Man is destroying the Democrats’ financial and legal foundation: “Democrats find their legal and fund-raising institutions under attack from the Trump administration.” You thought Trump and Elon Musk were eliminating waste and fraud from our government, but here the Paper of Record lets the cat out of the bag: what we thought were U.S. government agencies have actually been instruments for Democrat party fundraising and legal aid. Now that Trump and Musk are wielding the axe against them, and their socialist elder statements, Bernie Sanders, is 83, to whom can Democrats turn to save their slush fund?

Bartender, make mine a double! “Though there is little agreement about who will emerge to guide progressives into a post-Sanders era, virtually everyone interviewed said there was one clear leader for the job: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.” And not only that: “She is what’s next — if she wants it.” What’s next for what? AOC, the Times says, has three choices. “She could focus on the House,” or she “run for the seat now held by Senator Chuck Schumer,” or — and here it is: “she could seek the presidency in 2028.”

For patriots, it might seem at first glance like an AOC presidential run is a gift from heaven. She is, like Sanders, an avowed socialist at a time when increasing numbers of Americans are fed up with the federal leviathan interfering in so very much of their lives. She has proven on numerous occasions to have only a glancing knowledge of key issues. And she is from New York City, which doesn’t necessarily play all that well in flyover country.  

On the other hand, she is young (she’ll be 39 at the time of the 2028 election), charismatic, attractive except to unrelenting partisans, and politically in sync with the witless indoctrinated millennials who have been taught the glories of socialism throughout their educational life. She could end up being a formidable candidate. 

Still, even in her own district, the shift is clear. 82% of New York’s 14th Congressional District voted for Obama in 2008, and 86% in 2012. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won 81% of the vote there. Old Joe Biden garnered 77% in 2020. Now: what about Kamala Harris in 2024? She carried the district with 65% of the vote. AOC herself won with 78% in 2018, 71.6% in 2020, 70.6% in 2022, and 68.9% in 2024. And now she is going to turn around that steady erosion and become a national candidate?

      Related: Colorado Democrats Make It Unmistakable: They Hate the Constitution

AOC herself is remaining mum about her plans, but the Times is doing all it can to nudge her to throw her Mao cap into the ring. The Times gently cajoled her not to lose hope and take her marbles and go home: “Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has also mused about dropping out of politics altogether, the people who had spoken with her said. This seems less likely, given her lengthy admonition on Thursday to a crowd in North Las Vegas, Nev., to stay involved in the fight against the Trump administration.” 

And her friends want her to run also: “A person who has worked with Ms. Ocasio-Cortez on campaigns, and who insisted on anonymity to discuss private outreach, recounted being inundated with calls from Democrats — and not just those on the far left — after Mr. Schumer’s vote, asking about the congresswoman’s future and encouraging her to consider higher office.” 

Clearly, the Times thinks that whatever AOC can serve up in 2028 will be tastier than another heaping helping of Kamala’s word salad. Maybe they’ll get the Democrats to go the same route. They’ll clearly be trying.

The New York Times, like the rest of the left, has gone stark-raving mad, but you don’t have to. Make the final break with their propaganda mills and treat yourself to some sanity: join PJ Media VIP and use promo code FIGHT to get DOGE-like cut: 60% off your membership.

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