
First Michelle Obama, Now Lawrence O’Donnell… How Much WINNING Can You Take? – PJ Media

If I could get all 341 million or so Americans to stand together in a giant circle, I’d tell everyone to turn to the right, pat the person in front of them on the back, and say, “Well done. Bravo. Good job, America.” Because this is the week you humiliated both Michelle Obama and MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.

In case you didn’t know — and judging by the low viewership, you did not know — Michelle and her brother Craig Robinson launched a video podcast called IMO this week on pretty much every available platform. The initial viewership numbers are in and… wow. Those two couldn’t even whip up fake numbers worth mentioning, despite a friendly push from the legacy dinosaur media. 

Unless something goes viral, a podcast typically receives 80% (or more) of its views in the first 48 hours after it drops, and IMO’s numbers are not impressive. The premiere episode has just 158k views after two-plus days and the top-rated comment says, “Who else is here just for the comments?” The follow-up show is almost as old, has half as many views, and the top-rated comment says, “Who came here and immediately paused just to read the comments?”

How bad is IMO, really?

While I haven’t made it through either of the roughly hour-long IMO shows, I did cue up a three-minute IMO short titled, “In My Opinion… Beets and Hotdogs.” I figured, “Three minutes, I can make it through three minutes of anything — even a discussion about whether people should eat beets.”

Well, I gave up after seven seconds because that’s as long as it took Robinson to say, “In my opinion [long pause], a hot dog is not a sandwich.” That was edgy material [checks watch] back in 2015 when ESPN’s “Dan Patrick Show” first raised the mock issue. Even my teenage sons got tired of pretending to argue about whether a hot dog is a sandwich five or six years ago, and they’re brothers. Brothers will argue about anything, forever, even after you’ve sent them to their rooms. 

To be fair, I once did a bit of fake beet trivia on the air at KXGO in Arcata, California, as part of an ongoing series of Cliff Klaven-inspired “Little Known Facts,” none of which were true. In my defense, the year was 1990 and I was 21.

The topics in today’s just-released IMO short include airplane etiquette and whether it’s wrong to eat ice cream and drink milk at the same time. My friend Stephen Kruiser will back me up on this, but watching an IMO short is like watching a stand-up comedian rehashing “Didja ever notice that…” or “Dontcha hate it when…” material from the ’80s. 

I mean no offense to Craig, who seems like a nice enough guy. But maybe a big-name podcast needs some fresher material. Also, it’s been so long since Michelle Obama entered my consciousness that I can’t remember why I harbor any animosity toward her but my previously mentioned teenage sons refer to her as “The woman who ruined school lunch for everybody.”

I also promised you some good news about MSNBC shrieking head Lawrence O’Donnell and here it is: 

At the rate President Trump is driving O’Donnell nuts, he’s only a few months away from sharing a padded cell with Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus.

Are you tired yet of all the winning?

Recommended: Could We Please Maybe Draw the Line at Cannibalism?

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