Mark Schmitz’s son, Marine Lance Cpt. Jared Schmitz, was one of the thirteen American service members who were killed in the Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) attack at Kabul’s Abbey Gate on Aug. 26, 2021. Mark Schmitz was thus watching President Trump’s Tuesday night address to Congress with intense interest as Trump announced that Mohammad Sharifullah, who planned the jihad operation at Abbey Gate that day, had been arrested. To Schmitz’s shock, however, the Democrats in the audience didn’t seem in the least pleased at the news. Welcome to the Democrat Party, 2025: the party that hates Trump so much, it readily sides with those who kill Americans.
Fox News reported Wednesday that Schmitz “said the Democrats’ reaction, or lack thereof, to the news that one of the masterminds behind the attack had been arrested was ‘disturbing.’” Although one would think that anyone in his right mind would applaud the arrest of a man who engineered the murder of at least 183 people (thirteen U.S. service members plus 170 Afghan civilians), Fox notes that “the news of the arrest was not met with a resounding approval across the political aisle. As Schmitz pointed out, only roughly a third of Democrats applauded the news, and none appeared to join their Republican colleagues in a standing ovation.”
Schmitz observed: “This should not be a partisan issue whatsoever – the death of our kids.” That’s right. It shouldn’t. And the fact that for the Democrats, it clearly was indeed a partisan issue was revealing. “You would think that every single person in that place would be standing up and applauding and cheering,” Schmitz added. To see the Democrats sitting there stone-faced at the news of the arrest of was “incredibly insulting as a Gold Star family.” He emphasized: “This has got nothing to do with politics. This is our military we’re talking about, and that needs to change.”
Of course it does, but it is not likely to. As many have observed, the Democrats have clearly chosen to regard anything that Trump does, no matter how good it is for America and even for the world at large, as “not normal,” and something to be fought by any means possible.
The election of 2024 taught the Democrats nothing. Instead of retreating from their America-Last stances, stepping back from gender madness, the war on the freedom of speech, and the attempt to criminalize opposition to their policies, they have doubled down, and are now the captains of a defiantly sinking ship. Back in 1972, the famed film director Werner Herzog’s movie “Aguirre: The Wrath of God” depicted a Spanish conquistador in South America slowly descending into madness, until finally he is piloting a raft of monkeys on a weed-choked jungle stream, all the while muttering, “I am the wrath of God!”
That’s as apt a summation as any of the Democrats after a month and a half of the new Trump administration. Their program is as insane as it ever was, but their primary and fundamental priority is that they hate Trump and want to destroy him, and appear to be bent on chasing that goal into total electoral irrelevancy.
If the Democrats had wanted to show Americans that they still represented a point of view that people who care about this country could get behind, the least they could have done would have been to stand up and applaud at the news of the arrest of Mohammad Sharifullah. But since it was Donald Trump who announced it, it was back to muttering to monkeys on the raft.
Related: Donald Trump is Striking at the Heart of the Left’s Central Belief
It gets worse, as these things usually do. Schmitz says that even before Trump returned to the Oval Office, the Biden regime showed itself to be decidedly uninterested in apprehending those behind the Abbey Gate attack. “There was no communication from the onset,” he says. Indeed: when Old Joe Biden went to Dover Air Force Base for the return of the bodies of the slain service members’ bodies, he couldn’t wait to get out of there, and was caught repeatedly looking at his watch, as if he couldn’t for the thing to be over.
It is no surprise that Old Joe and others who pursued America-Last policies for so long would actually be bored and indifferent to the families of Americans who have fallen in our nation’s service. And as always, no matter how appalled patriots such as Mark Schmitz are by their actions, the Democrats will learn nothing, and repeat the same behavior later.
The Democrats are determined to follow their hatred of Trump into irrelevancy, and here at PJ Media, we will happily trace their descent every step of the way. And as if that weren’t fun enough in itself, we’re going to keep on telling you the truth that the establishment media (yeah, those Democrats again) are determined to withhold from you. Join the fun, and get the whole truth about the state of our nation in these heady days of Trump’s second term. Join PJ Media VIP and use promo code FIGHT to get a staggering 60% off your membership!