
Dems at Trump’s Speech Beg for Shovels to Dig Their Own Graves – PJ Media

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The hot tub gatherings took a bizarre turn whenever Geoffreldt reminisced about what he called his “Poughkeepsie Plunge.” 

The Democratic Party is, put mildly, struggling here in the early part of the year of our Lord 2025. After a decisive defeat at the hands of a man who they devoted all of their energy to destroying, Dems have been forced to stand by and watch as that man rapidly undoes all of the nefarious things that they did for the last four years in an attempt to shred the Constitution of the United States and establish permanent one-party rule. Worse yet for them, the majority of Americans are cheering on all that’s happening.

A political party serious about regaining its footing and winning elections again would typically deal with this kind of situation with some introspection, retooling, and rebranding. Not this group. 

As President Donald Trump gave a joint address to Congress last night, the struggling Democrats decided that the best way to respond would be to act like petulant, unstable children who aren’t getting hugged enough at home. It was a truly pathetic spectacle. I’m not going to review the speech, my colleagues did a great job of that in several of the links below. I’ll just repeat something that I said on our live blog: It was golden fire. 

I’m just going to talk about what a bunch of bottom-feeding scumbags the Democrats in attendance were. They began by holding up what looked like auction paddles with protest messages on them. It didn’t take long at all for that to turn into a mockery-filled meme. Here’s an example from my colleague Brett T. over at Twitchy:

That’s one of the milder ones. You can see that they were asking for it. 

Things quickly escalated when Rep. Al Green of Texas — the idiot who looks like he’s auditioning for a new GEICO “Caveman” commercial — began waving his cane and heckling Trump. Speaker Mike Johnson quickly dealt with the situation and had the moronic Green escorted from the chamber. Matt has more on that here

The rest of the Democrats decided to calm down a little after that, preferring to protest by not standing or clapping for anything. And I do mean anything. The list of things that the Democrats couldn’t be bothered to be supportive of because they’re sick, hateful creatures is too long to mention, but included the family of Laken Riley, who was brutally murdered by an illegal alien. 

Maybe it’s difficult for people who have blood on their hands to applaud.

The Dems’ sickest moment of silent protest involved a young boy who has cancer. This is from Sarah:

In 2018, DJ Daniel was diagnosed with brain cancer and given just five months to live. After 13 brain surgeries, the little boy who dreamed of growing up to become a police officer defied those odds. Today, he’s 13 years old and living life to the fullest because, as he puts it, “you never know when God’s gonna call you home.” DJ and his father have traveled around the country, visiting various law enforcement agencies, and many of them have made him an honorary police officer.

And here is the heartwarming moment that seems like the kind of thing that everyone can get behind:

Seriously, how awful does someone have to be to not be moved by that? The chronic Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers in the Democratic Party are so twisted inside that they couldn’t manage to get to their feet to applaud young DJ in his special moment. That really showed Trump and the Republicans, didn’t it?

Here was an assessment I offered on X last night:

It’s almost as if self-destruction is the goal. The behavior that they exhibited last night isn’t going to play well with anyone outside of the Democrats’ equally depraved base. Hating widows and teenage cancer victims isn’t going to win over the hearts of voters that they lost last year. 

Maybe it’s not too early to start talking about a red wave in 2026.

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