There’s no way to sugarcoat this for our friends on the left: the Democratic Party is imploding.
After their humiliating defeat in the government funding battle, a devastating new CNN poll shows the party’s favorability has cratered to an abysmal 29%—the lowest since 1992. The numbers don’t lie; this is a spectacular fall from grace.
The party has hemorrhaged support, suffering a jaw-dropping 20-point collapse in favorability since January 2021, when Joe Biden was inaugurated. Even their own base is abandoning ship, with Democratic Party favorability among supporters plummeting from 81% to a pathetic 63%.
Democrats can’t even keep their own house in order.
The leadership vacuum is so profound that when asked who leads the Democratic Party, one respondent summed it up perfectly: “No one. That’s the problem.”
As for who respondents see as the party’s leader, well, that’s where things get really bad. Would you believe that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comes out on top at 10%? Kamala Harris comes in at a close second with 9%, and Socialist Bernie Sanders is at 8%.
Democrats, who overwhelmingly consider Trump too extreme, have yet to consolidate around any one-party leader to serve as a counterpoint. Asked in an open-ended question to name the Democratic leader they feel “best reflects the core values” of the party, 10% of Democratic-aligned adults name New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 9% former vice president Kamala Harris, 8% Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and 6% House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. Another 4% each name former president Barack Obama and Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett, with Schumer joining a handful of others at 2%.
This is a political nightmare for the Democrats. They are lost wandering the desert without a leader to guide them.
Meanwhile, the Republican Party, while not exactly beloved, maintains a respectable 36% favorability rating. More importantly, Republicans actually support their own party, with 79% viewing it favorably.
The internal divisions are staggering. While 57% of Democrats want to obstruct the Republican agenda, 42% prefer bipartisan cooperation. Remember September 2017, when 74% of Democrats supported working with Republicans? Those days of unity are dead and buried.
Ocasio Cortez’s stock in the party is especially high among those who describe themselves as liberal and those younger than 45, with roughly 1 in 6 within each of those groups calling her emblematic of the party’s values. No Democratic leader polled in the double digits among older adults or moderates on this metric.
Democratic-aligned adults’ views of their party and its leadership also divide sharply along demographic lines, the poll finds. Those who call themselves Democrats are far likelier than independents who lean toward the party to express favorable views of the Democrats (72% to 37%), and to say the party’s leaders are taking it in the right direction (53% to 34%).
Let’s be crystal clear: This isn’t just a bad poll—it’s a five-alarm fire for the Democratic Party. With no clear leadership, a fractured base, and historically low approval ratings, Democrats are sailing in a captainless ship that’s taking on water fast.
In short, Democrats are totally screwed. And based on these numbers, they have no one to blame but themselves.
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