Okay, wait, I thought they worshipped Dylan Mulvaney. But if the Democrats are anything, they’re full of surprises, as we saw at the California state assembly on Friday. A Democrat assembly member offered a prayer to open the assembly session, as is the time-honored custom, but the prayer wasn’t to any deity that you’d learn about in the average world religions course, even in these latter days of American colleges and universities being reduced to little more than Antifa recruitment centers. The prayer was offered to none other than Beyoncé.
State assembly member Tina McKinnon began conventionally enough, saying: “Good morning, Mr. Speaker, members, and guests. Let us pray.” That was when it all started to go off the rails. McKinnon told the assembled solons:
Raise your hands. Breathe in deep. Get yourself a new pair of boots, a shiny buckle, and a wide-brimmed hat. And sing praise as we enter the Cowboy Carter era. Ask yourself as Queen B ask [sic] us all, Can we stand for something? Now is not the time to face the wind, my friends. Now ain’t the time to pretend. Now is the time to let love in. Together, can we stand?
Members, now is not the time for alligator tears. You see, just like Beyoncé, my family lived and died in America. Good ol’ USA. A whole lotta red in that white and blue. History can’t be erased. You lookin’ for a new America? Are you tired, workin’ time and a half for half the pay? I just pray that we don’t crash, because I keep my Bible on the dash. We gotta keep the faith. Members, keep the faith. California, keep the faith. And the members say, Amen.
Queen B is Beyoncé and “Cowboy Carter” is the name of one of her albums. The bit about standing for something and this not being the time to face the wind comes from a song on that album, entitled “American Requiem.” The parts about looking for a new America and working time and a half for half the pay come from another song on that album, “Ya Ya.”
What on earth was going on here? With this prayer, or whatever it was, it looks as if the Democrats have decided yet again to ignore the screamingly obvious fact that their kulturkampf has turned off millions of Americans, who are tired of being forced to play along with men who are pretending to be women and senile old figureheads pretending to be competent presidents.
The Democrat Party has become the party of angry blue-haired people with multiple piercings and a penchant for violence in support of any cause that involves hating America and wanting to destroy it. And now, instead of tacking back to the center and reassuring ordinary Americans that the party hasn’t gone totally insane and is doubling down on supporting everything that is making their lives more difficult (high taxes, rising crime, open borders, the whole nine yards), the Democrats are thinking up new ways to alienate even more Americans.
Whose bright idea was it to offer a “prayer” in the California state assembly that was cobbled together from Beyoncé lyrics? What exactly did Tina McKinnon mean by proclaiming this “the Cowboy Carter era”? Are we now to look to the singer for the wisdom and guidance to bring us out of the multiple fixes we’re in? That certainly seemed to be the idea. McKinnon’s focus on Beyoncé’s words about a “new America” seemed to be an oblique slap at Trump and his proclamation of a new golden age, and a reminder that, hey, there are professional victims in the room, let’s not get too excited about a national revival.
Related: Congressman McBride Calls Republicans ‘Weird’ for Not Pretending He’s a Woman
Okay, sure. But we already knew that Democrats hated Trump with laser-like intensity. We already knew that they consider him the source and summit of all evil in the modern world. Do we now have to deify a pop singer and treat her lyrics as if they were holy writ in order to make this point? And when they do such things, can the Democrats really be regarded anymore as a serious political party?
Meanwhile, what’s next in the California state assembly? Prayers to Rachel Levine? Or maybe just straight-down prayers to Lucifer? Nothing would surprise us anymore.
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