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Calhoun, Schumer, and Two Centuries of Democrat Elitism – PJ Media

On the anniversary of the birth of John Calhoun, the 19th century Democrat senator who infamously argued that slavery was a “positive good,” current Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer mocked Americans for daring to think they and not government should control the money they earn.

The Democrat party has always been the party of elitism, but since they have also always been extremely clever liars, perpetually accusing their opponents of being wealthy oligarchs while falsely framing themselves as men of the people, they have successfully rewritten their own history for more than 200 years, starting with the wealthy plantation owner and so-called “populist” Andrew Jackson. But the true elitism of the Democrat party is always identifiable, from the 19th century Democrats’ glorification of slavery to the modern oligarchical tyranny and pseudo-socialism of 21st century Democrats.

On “The View,” that most imbecilic of shows, Schumer descended to the babbling banality of his hostesses. “We are united in going after Trump and showing the American people that he is making the middle class pay for the taxes on the rich,” Schumer pontificated, ignoring the fact that the Trump tax cuts will help small businesses and middle class Americans. Even if they do help billionaires, this is not a bad thing so long as no favoritism is involved. Higher taxes retard economic prosperity in general, and our progressive tax system would rightly have appalled the Founding Fathers. Not that Schumer would care about that.

RelatedDisturbing Similarities: Dems on Slavery and Dems on Illegal Alien Labor

Schumer, whose net worth is $81 million+, ridiculously accused Republicans of being controlled by “a small group of wealthy, greedy people.” Then arrogantly, radiating scorn and entitled greed, Schumer the leech on taxpayer money sneered, “And you know what their attitude is? ‘I made my money all by myself, how dare your government take my money from me? I don’t want to pay taxes.’ Or ‘I built my company with my bare hands, how dare your government tell me how I should treat my customers, the land and water that I own or my employees?’ They hate government, government’s a barrier to people, a barrier to stop them from doing things, they want to destroy it, we are not letting them do it and we’re united.” I wonder if he has realized by now how horrible that statement sounded out loud.

But Schumer’s elitist pride and sense of entitlement to exploit other people‘s labor has been a longtime feature of the Democrat Party, including of John Calhoun. The Democrats of the past felt so entitled to black Americans’ labor that they started a bloody Civil War over slavery. And they never seem to have gotten over the fact that the Republicans took away their slaves, to this day trying to use cheap foreign slave labor and illegal alien labor, or impoverishing U.S. citizens, for their own profit.

Just read the words of the most shameless Democrat defender of slavery, South Carolina senator and U.S. VP John C. Calhoun, in his 1837 speech:

I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good. . . I hold then, that there never has yet existed a wealthy and civilized society in which one portion of the community did not, in point of fact, live on the labor of the other.

Calhoun was wrong, not only in his extreme racism, but also in his claim that slavery was necessary for a nation’s economic prosperity. America never saw such economic growth as in the century following the abolishment of slavery. And yet that same prideful sense of entitlement, that same justification of exploitation, that same demand to be called virtuous and compassionate for robbing others of the fruits of their labor, is as evident in Schumer and his fellow Democrats today as it was in Calhoun. Behold the Democrat Party, the party of elitism, thievery, self-righteousness, and anti-Americanism.

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