
Build a Statue of a Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey and Send It to Paris – HotAir

Are you as tired as I am of European “leaders” deriding the United States, calling us boobs, Nazis, bullies, and Putin lovers?

I am. Very.

So when I saw this, it made my blood boil. 

No region in the world has been as big a thorn in our side as Europe, especially if you include Western Russia and Ukraine as part of Europe, as I do. The US had to intervene in two world wars at great expense in lives and treasure and spend 80 years defending Western Europe from Communist Eastern Europe (which was animated by a German philosophy). We have poured trillions of dollars into propping the continent up, funded the rebuilding of countries that destroyed themselves, and accepted millions of refugees and immigrants for whom the countries of the continent couldn’t provide opportunities. 

We currently are the primary funders of Ukraine, the country that gave the world Josef Stalin, in their war against another European power, Russia, and are getting pilloried for trying to stop a war that Europe desperately wants to continue, demanding we fund the murderous conflict. 

Europe is in the process of destroying the best part of its legacy–a culture that helped birth the civilization that reached its apex in the United States, where all the best has been melded while discarding the worst tendencies of decadent Europeans. 

You may recall that the French Olympics was full of satanic imagery, men beating up women, and an obsession with climate cultism that left athletes without air conditioning in the midst of a sweltering summer. 

A Frenchman lecturing Americans about liberty is as convincing as a pimp lecturing about chastity. It would be funny, but for the fact that the self-righteous jerk is busy destroying what he praises. 

While wags may suggest sending France a statue representing its future as a Satrap to an ISIS-led regime, I prefer something slightly more on point about its dependence on the United States for its security and even its existence. The French are on their 5th Republic because they keep screwing up. In fewer years since the founding of the United States, the French have had five different forms of government. Six, if you include the Vichy regime under the Nazis. 

So the stature I propose we construct and send to Paris is more in line with their past glories. 

Send them an enormous representation of a Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey. It can be put on a pedestal right next to the Eiffel Tower. 

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