
Bar That Threw Out MAGA Customer Proves Again That Leftists are the Most Intolerant People on Earth – PJ Media

On March 16, I wrote here about Chatterbox Jazz, a club in Indianapolis where a bartender of the he/she/it variety petulantly grabbed a baseball bat and threatened a MAGA hat-wearing customer to get out of the bar, or else. The place was inundated both with patriots noting the “tolerant” left’s hypocrisy and intolerance, and with leftists cheering on the boneless bartender’s courageous stand against MAGA “fascism.” 

Now, the club itself has issued a statement about the incident, but it’s not what it should have been: an apology and an affirmation that the club welcomes anyone. Instead, Chatterbox doubled down, and also seems to be stretching the truth a good deal beyond the breaking point. “On Friday, March 14th,” it says, “a group of individuals” — yeah, Chatterbox, that’s what the word “group” means, you didn’t have to add “of individuals” at all — “visited Chatterbox and intentionally misgendered and harassed a Chatterbox employee, resulting in them being asked to leave by our staff. They then continued verbally assaulting our patrons and staff, threatened our establishment, and returned to record a video which has now been posted on multiple social media platforms.”

Is that so? It could be, as the video of the incident begins after there has clearly already been friction between the bartender and the woman who is videoing. However, in the video, the bartender tells the woman wearing the MAGA hat to get out of the bar, and after she repeatedly asks him why, he finally says: “Because you’re a Trump supporter.” Later, she asks again why she is being thrown out: “Because I’m wearing a Trump hat.” The bartender immediately replies with enthusiasm: “Yes!” The woman says: “That’s wild!,” to which the bartender replies: “I don’t care. Get out.” 

You’ll notice that even though he/she/xe had several opportunities to do so, the bartender doesn’t give the slightest hint of any intentional “misgendering” or harassment. Instead, he affirms twice that he is throwing the woman out, and threatening her with a baseball bat despite looking as if he had never touched one before in his entire miserable existence, solely because she is wearing a MAGA hat, not, as Chatterbox now claims, because she and her friends had been causing trouble in the bar before the video started.

The Chatterbox statement then dives into the deep end of leftist hypocrisy: “The Chatterbox is home to a diverse group of staff and patrons. We do not tolerate dehumanizing or disrespectful language or symbolism in our establishment. We have a right, by law, to refuse service to anyone who disrupts our business. We look forward to continue being a home for people who love music and appreciate our community.”

This disingenuous and self-righteous statement is yet another example of the fact that the people who shout most loudly about “diversity” are those who are invariably the least tolerant of a genuine diversity of opinions. The left wants people of all races, colors, and sexual deviances to come together and say exactly the same thing about every issue.  

That, in leftists’ eyes, is what “diversity” really means: a multitude of people who all look different from one another, some with blue hair, some with green hair, some with nose rings, some with those big ugly things pulling down their ear lobes, all marching in lockstep together down the road to socialist internationalism. They don’t see their hypocrisy in denying service to someone with a MAGA hat, because they are as convinced of their rightness and righteousness as any Medieval Inquisitor ever was. A man can burn heretics in good conscience once he is absolutely sure that the one true God will reward him for doing so, and not inform the burner, to his shock and horror, that he was actually the heretic and the guy he was torching was right.  

     Related: Woman Wearing MAGA Hat Denied Service, Threatened With Baseball Bat at Indianapolis Jazz Club

Secular leftists today sneer at traditional religion, but in their fervor, fanaticism and unflinching assurance that they are on the side of the angels, or on the side of history, as they themselves would style it, allows them to commit the worst atrocities upon their enemies. Throwing someone out of a bar is the least of it. Followed to its logical conclusion, the leftist certainty leads straight to the gulag.

That’s where fully indoctrinated leftists such as the bartender, and apparently the owner, of Chatterbox Jazz would happily put Trump supporters if given half a chance. And so they must not be given that chance.

The left has gone mad, but we haven’t. Buy yourself some sanity: join PJ Media VIP and use promo code FIGHT to 60% off your membership. That packs a wallop far more formidable than anything the bartender at Chatterbox could muster.

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