
Lefty Loser Lying Liar Lies Liberally Lately – HotAir

Gavin Newsom just discovered that the best path to the presidency is not what he thought. 

Living in California, he skyrocketed to the top of the political pyramid by looking pretty, speaking smoothly, and being the most progressive guy on the block. 

That is a winning formula in San Francisco and the Left Coast, but not so much in the rest of America. And since Newsom is done ruining California, he is reinventing himself to meet the challenge of ruining the country and the world. 

So suddenly, Newsom is expressing shock and dismay at how his party has become too left-wing. 

His new podcast dropped its first episodes into the aether, featuring conservative influences before he brought on his first liberal. And Gavin did his best to use his greasy and insincere charm to convince his audience that he really is a moderate, hasn’t sold his soul to the alphabet ideologists, and wants to follow middle-American common sense on issues such as girl’s sports and woke language policing. 

Newsom has made a lot of outrageous claims about what he believes (does he actually BELIEVE anything?), but one of the funniest was an obvious lie he told Charlie Kirk on his podcast. It was so outrageous that CNN not only fact-checked it but humiliated Gavin int he process. 

Don’t worry, though–by next week, he will be bragging that CNN did another 5 minute story about how awesome he is, and his voters will believe him. 

Gavin will be telling a lot more lies to recreate himself for the national audience. Far from being fiscally incontinent, Newsom is a green-eyeshade-efficient government type of guy. I can’t wait to hear how his favorite infrastructure project–California high-speed rail, really had nothing to do with him at all. 

Soon he will be a COVID moderate, too! 

Newsom got into a spot of trouble years ago–caught having an affair with his campaign manager’s wife, and his escape was going saying he was an alcoholic, rushing to rehab. 

Now he tells us that “clean and sober” is terrible and recommends getting plastered (or doing drugs) to relax. I guess that rehab worked so well that he could enjoy his booze, at least from his own vineyards in Napa Valley. You need something to swill down that fine food at the French Laundry as you laugh at the hoi polloi. 

Newsom is a greasy shyster. The new line–probably started by Scott Adams on his podcast–is that Democrats are the theater kids putting on a show. Everything is a show–histrionic shouting one minute, talking about decency and norms the next. 

What people like Newsom care about is money and power, and grab as much as possible selling their version of compassion while grabbing the brass ring with the other. 

Newsom loves to accuse Republicans of caring only for billionaires, and as with almost all Democrat complaints about Republicans, it is pure projection. Distributing untraceable burner phones to his top donors through a fake nonprofit whose sole purpose is to collect and spend money to make Newsom look good is peak Newsom. Nonprofits are supposed to provide a public good, and in Newsom’s mind, helping him scarf up big money to promote Gavin Newsom can’t get any more good than that. 

Will all of Newsom’s bobbing and weaving help him reinvent himself or just invite more ridicule? Unfortunately, probably both. As we have seen with the COVID fanatics who have turned “reasonable” or who have even claimed to never have done anything extreme, rewriting history works to soothe the consciences of many ordinary Democrats who feel a bit bad about their own prior extremism. 

They want history rewritten because they don’t want to admit that they nodded along as Newsom and other Democrats led them into the worst sort of behavior and beliefs. 

But that won’t move the persuadable swing voters, I don’t think. Their skepticism keeps growing, and their anger at being manipulated put Donald Trump in the White House. Loyal Democrats may still believe that Trump is the Devil, but ordinary people have become disgusted at how fake the Democrats are and how harmful their policies are. 

Still, Newsom has found a lane in his run for president that might get him to the top spot on the Democrat ticket. A huge number of Democrats want their party to move to the center, and Newsom is trying to turn himself into a 21st-century Bill Clinton. His prospects in the 2028 general election depend on Trump failing between now and then, but it makes sense for him to throw the dice. 

The Democratic Party’s candidates in 1991 were scoffed at as the “7 dwarfs,” but Clinton pulled ahead, won the nomination, and became president. 

That is the path Newsom hopes to take. And if women thought Clinton was dreamy, what must they think of Newsom?

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