
Wall Street Traitors Spit In Trump’s Eye

For years we’ve been warning CHQ readers and friends about the traitorous actions of Wall Street investment houses that have facilitated access to our capital markets by Red Chinese companies associated with the Peoples Liberation Army and other Communist military entities.

The latest example of this treason is the Wall Street-backed initial public offering of Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL), the world’s largest producer of batteries for electric vehicles and military applications.

Last month, the Pentagon added CATL to its blacklist of companies deemed to be working with the Chinese military, barring it from Department of Defense’s contracts. Yet, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley among others, have signed on to raise as much as $7 billion for this Communist Chinese military affiliated company.

These traitorous Wall Street bankers are literally funding the development of Red Chinese weapons systems to be used against us and our allies, such as Australia, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Given the Biden family’s illicit financial ties to Communist China it was no surprise that these traitorous actions were allowed during Joe Biden’s term as President, but all that was expected to come to a halt when Donald Trump was inaugurated and announced his “America First Investment Policy.”

The America First Investment Policy specifically notes:

Those Chinese companies also raise capital by:  selling to American investors securities that trade on American and foreign public exchanges; lobbying United States index providers and funds to include these securities in market offerings; and engaging in other acts to ensure access to United States capital and accompanying intangible benefits.  In this way, the PRC exploits United States investors to finance and advance the development and modernization of its military.

Yet, in their pursuit of profit at the expense of the national security of the United States JPMorgan, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley among others, have ignored the plain words of President Trump’s policy and spit in his eye with the CATL IPO.

Even though the American First Investment Policy says, “The United States will also use all necessary legal instruments to further deter United States persons from investing in the PRC’s military-industrial sector,” and directs the Secretary Of The Treasury, the Secretary Of State, the Secretary Of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary Of Commerce, the Secretary Of Homeland Security, the Director Of National Intelligence, the Assistant To The President For National Security Affairs, and a host of other agency heads and Cabinet Secretaries to take action.

However, as far as we can tell only the Department of Defense has acted against CATL, and that was not related to the IPO.

Can all these Cabinet Secretaries, agency heads and presidential advisors be ignorant of the threat?

We have a way for you to let them know President Trump is right: American investors should not be investing in Chinese companies like CATL. Please join us in sending a letter expressing to the President, your representatives in Congress, the Treasury Secretary and the acting Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission your vigorous opposition Wall Street’s continued effort to pursue a China First Investment Policy by enabling the insidious CATL IPO to raise billions from U.S. investors.

  • 2024 Election

  • MAGA Agenda

  • Wall Street

  • GOP establishment

  • Chinese Communist Party

  • CATL batteries


  • Department of Defense contracts

  • JP Morgan

  • Bank of America

  • Goldman Sachs

  • Morgan Stanley

  • Chinese Weapons Systems

  • Joe Biden administration

  • America First investments

  • U.S. Department of Defense

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