The Islamic jihad, holy war, that began in the seventh century and spearheaded the expansion of Arab and then the Ottoman Islamic Empire, continues today unabated. The 19th and 20th century expansion of Western power into the Islamic world gave the impression that the fangs of jihad were pulled, but the retreat of the West in the post-WWII period and loss of confidence among Western European countries, continued with a vengeance in the current century, caused a resurgence of jihadi expansion.
Where the resurgence is most evident is where it has been primarily carried out by violence, including kidnappings, beheadings, arson, and the burning alive of “infidels,” a wide range of atrocities that are crimes against humanity. This has been most evident in Southwest and South Asia, and West, Central, and East Africa. But in Europe the modus operandi is different: it is immigration jihad. This is where Muslims flood in, legally or illegally, establishing separate “no-go” communities where civil authorities dare not go.
According to Pew Research, the Muslim population of Europe in 2016 was 4.9% of the total population. But the percentage of Muslims varied greatly from country to country: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, and the three Baltic states were less than one percent Muslim. The percentages of other countries were as follows: Denmark 5.4%; Greece 5.7%; Norway 5.71%; Germany 6.1%; UK 6.3%; Netherlands 7.1%; Belgium 7.6%; Sweden 8.1%; France 8.8%; Bulgaria 11.1%.
Up to date population statistics for 2025 are not readily available, but past observation suggests that in the nine years since the Pew report, the high birthrate of Muslims, plus the influx from immigration, has led to a greater Muslim percentage of the population in most European countries. Statista projections for 2050 are as follows: “Depending on the different migration scenarios estimated here, Germany’s share of Muslims in the population could rise up to 19.7 percent of it’s population by 2050, higher than both the UK and France, with projected Muslim populations of 17.2 and 18 percent respectively.”
Then, as the Muslim population expands, it begins to throw its weight around, influencing municipal and state authorities through accusations of racism and intimidation by threats of violence. The next step with a growing population is gaining electoral influence, and pushing for laws supporting Islamic supremacy. An opinion poll of French Muslims indicated the strength of support for the adoption in France of Sharia law: “At least 46% of foreign-born Muslims in France want to adopt Sharia law into the country’s legal system, reveals a poll conducted by IFOP (French Institute for Public Opinions) for Le Point magazine.” Among French-born Muslims, 18% believe that Sharia should be the law of the land.
Meanwhile, Europeans, who have lost faith in Christianity and confidence in their cultures, and focus their lives on wealth and comfort, have stopped having inconvenient, demanding, and expensive children. The result is that Europeans are gradually being replaced in their own societies by Muslims. The expression “demography is destiny” is applicable here. Once Muslims make up an electoral plurality, or certainly when they become a majority of the population, they will institute Islamic supremacism, and European cultures will be erased.
If things continues as they are, it is only a matter of time, a few decades, before Britian becomes the Islamic Emirate of what used to be Britain, and Italy becomes the Islamic Emirate of what used to Italy, and the same for all European countries, except Hungary and some other Eastern European countries, which refused the European Union dictates to open their gates and commit suicide.
Western European countries demean their own culture in order to justify admitting large numbers of antagonistic immigrants. Either they reject their colonial pasts and open the doors to Muslim immigrants from their old colonies, such as Pakistanis in Britain and North Africans in France, or they claim they do not have a culture or that it is boring, so they welcome Muslims whom they call “colorful,” as in Norway and Sweden. Nor do any of these countries appear to be concerned about illegal migrants, who they are reluctant to expel.
These migrants are granted every welfare measure imaginable, from stipends to free housing to unemployment payments. Then, when the immigrants fail to learn the local language and to get work, and fail to accept the authority of municipal employees and officers, the governments rebuke themselves for failing to “integrate” the immigrant population.
One area in which immigrants are highly productive is crime. According to RealClearInvestigations, “the data show that each one percentage point increase in immigrant population is associated with a 3.6 percent increase in the homicide rate.”
In 2020, Swedish sociology professor Göran Adamson published a crime study showing an unmistakable link to immigration. It concluded that from 2002 to 2017, 58% of criminal suspects in Sweden were immigrants. That figure rose for murder, attempted murder, and manslaughter, where immigrants were identified as suspects in 73% of the cases, and robberies, in which immigrants were suspects in 70% of the cases. …
Researchers in Denmark reached similar conclusions about immigration and crime. An index shows that crime in 2020 was 51% higher among male immigrants and 149% higher among male offspring with a non-Western background than among the entire male population.
Not all immigrants were equally responsible for crime. In Norway, Sri Lankans integrated well, and in Sweden Vietnamese were not responsible for crimes. Throughout Europe, it is North African, Middle Eastern, and African immigrants, i.e. Muslims, who are responsible for the high crime rate.
Once again, from RealClearInvestigations: “Since 2018, Swedish authorities have recorded an estimated 500 bombings, while what they describe as gang shootings have become increasingly common. The country reported a record 124 homicides in 2020 and many residents were shocked in April when violent riots injured more than 100 police officers.” France has seen stabbings and beheadings by Muslims, as well as truck attacks on crowds, and Germany has suffered car and truck attacks, as well as repeated stabbings of random citizens in schools and public meetings, as has Britain.
But crime is not limited to bombings, shootings, and stabbings. Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe. And guess who is responsible. A controlled study published by the U.S. National Institutes of Health reveals that, for Sweden, “Our findings reveal a strong link between immigrant background and rape convictions that remains after statistical adjustment [for control factors].” Britain is now notorious for their Pakistani rape gangs who fed alcohol and drugs to underage and vulnerable English infidel girls, and kept them isolated except for the multiple Pakistani men who repeatedly raped them. This was known by the authorities, but they were afraid of being called “racist,” and so they arrested the girls for being drunk and disorderly.
Why would Muslims engage in rape at a higher level than anyone else? The perspective of Muslim youth helps to explain the high incidence. First, European women are not “modest” by Muslim standards. Therefore, many Muslim men, even as they socialize with European women, think that European women are “whores.” Second, under Islamic Sharia law, Muslim men are permitted to enslave infidels, and make infidel women their sex slaves. Some young men, arrested for rape, have tried to justify their actions by saying that their religion permits it, or that they have a right by conquest.
But do not mention any of this in Europe today, or you will be arrested and incarcerated. Muslims are a protected class, and no one must say anything pejorative about Muslims or about Islam. Europe has instituted Islamic heresy laws. Sharia trumps civil rights and human rights in Europe today. For example,
Lucy Connolly, a 41-year-old white woman married to a Conservative Party councilor, was less fortunate. She was charged, detained, and last October convicted of “incitement to racial hatred” because she called on X—in a post she quickly deleted and for which she later apologized—for mass deportations of illegal immigrants and destruction of their places of lodging. While mass deportations are now government policy in the United States, expressing her support for such measures in the UK got her a sentence of 31 months behind bars, apologies be damned.
Europe has decided on suicide, and has imported its own executioners. Shall the U.S. and Canada follow this same route, to the same destiny?