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VA Secretary Cuts Off Trans Treatment – HotAir

I hope ‘cuts off‘ didn’t trigger anyone.

So this is news, and welcome news at that. Also, the way Veterans Affairs Secretary Doug Collins phrased it, the money saved will be going towards where it should have been going to begin with – to wounded and service-related disabled veterans.

Personally, with all the challenges the VAs had, reading that they had also dumped indulging the sufferers of this completely mental illness on already stretched-to-the-max facilities just burned my butt. Veterans can wait months for the care they’ve earned and are critically and repeatedly scrutinized before being determined what they rate. And being rated doesn’t mean you’ll have access to a VA facility.

I thought the only way a trans wound up at the VA was because they had started transitioning while on active duty, and this was the follow-up care – for life – that I’d always assumed the taxpayer would be stuck with. The thought that there were doctors, appointments, and precious resources sucked up so some delusional poser could emote and begin a transition after his service with the VA footing the bill while maybe a combat vet languished for anything makes me ill.

But from the way Collins’ announcement reads, that’s what they were doing. From this point forward, only those members who had already been covered and were being treated will continue to be so. The VA isn’t paying for anyone else’s mid-life sexual identity crisis anymore.

…Effective immediately, VA will not offer cross-sex hormone therapy to Veterans who have a current diagnosis or history of, or exhibit symptoms consistent with gender dysphoria, unless:

  • Such Veterans are already receiving such care from VA; or
  • Such Veterans were receiving such care from the military as part of and upon their separation from military service and they are eligible for VA health care.

Veterans who do not meet the criteria above are not eligible for cross-sex hormone therapy through VA health care. VA will not provide any other medical or surgical therapy for gender dysphoria to any patients in any circumstance.

“I mean no disrespect to anyone, but VA should not be focused on helping Veterans attempt to change their sex. The vast majority of Veterans and Americans agree, and that is why this is the right decision,” said VA Secretary Doug Collins. “All eligible Veterans – including trans-identified Veterans – will always be welcome at VA and will always receive the benefits and services they’ve earned under the law. But if Veterans want to attempt to change their sex, they can do so on their own dime.”

And who knew this had been going on for over a decade?

Like the memo said, it’s not a huge number of service members affected. The point is every dollar out the door that doesn’t go directly to service-related injuries and care is that dollar wasted. And if the VA pays for transitions and hormones and problems develop, the VA has only created another long-term dollar drain on itself by paying for a purely voluntary medical experiment.

…Although VA has never offered sex-change surgeries, the department has been providing treatment for gender dysphoria for more than a decade. VA has not kept consistent and reliable records regarding the total number of Veterans who endured these procedures, the total amount of money spent on them or the total number of employees involved. Veterans Health Administration estimates indicate that less than one tenth of one percent of the 9.1 million Veterans enrolled in VA health care are trans-identified.

Until recently, however, VA had been promoting an array of services designed to help Veterans attempt to change their sex, including:

  • cross-sex hormone therapy
  • voice and communication training
  • so-called gender-affirming prosthetics, including breast forms, chest binders, dilator sets for post-vaginoplasty, packers, surgical compression vests, and wigs

Additionally, VA had been providing letters of support encouraging non-VA providers to perform sex-change surgeries on Veterans. The aforementioned services had been authorized under Veterans Health Administration Directive 1341(4), which has now been rescinded.

Of course, where there’s a woke will, there’s a way, so it’s also very convenient no one ‘kept consistent and reliable records regarding the total number of Veterans who endured these procedures.’

The Biden bunch and the #mathz – as always.

How much of an entrenched bureaucracy is Collins up against?

…The Biden administration also stretched the definition of “medically necessary.” While a 2020 document said that hair removal was cosmetic and could not be covered, a document from the Biden administration taught VA staff how to pay outside providers to laser-remove the hair on a transgender person’s “face/neck, back, chest, abdomen, or genitalia,” and to record it with a vague “unlisted procedure code for skin, mucous membrane, and subcutaneous tissue.”

The VA even gave a presentation to “parking attendants or valets, maintenance staff, [and] housekeepers,” forcing them to “Articulate the key elements of VHA’s Directive on Providing Health Care for Transgender and Intersex Veterans” and training them to “ask the Veteran what name, gender, and pronoun, the Veteran prefers” so they could place them in shared hospital rooms with a member of the gender with which they identified.

…Biden-era documents said that the department intended to change the regulations to also cover surgeries, but that the process could take years. A document called “Gender-Affirming Care at VA: Resources for Providers” said that “While VA cannot provide gender-affirming surgeries at this time,” it would diagnose them with gender dysphoria, put them on hormones, give them voice training, store their eggs or sperm, remove their body hair, and write letters convincing outside surgeons to perform the surgery.

An April 2024 presentation by an “LGBTQ+ Veterans Care Coordinator” added that the VA would also cover “medically necessary post-operative and long-term care following gender-affirming surgery.” It also construed that broadly, including revision surgeries and testicle removal if there were complications with prescription hormones.

All of which is allowing this post-service female to become the boy she always wanted to be on your tax dollar, with the VA – aka YOU – now responsible for her healthcare for the rest of her life.

The left-wing Military Times is in spazz-out mode judging by who they’re quoting. I’d expect no less from them.

…“All eligible veterans — including trans-identified veterans — will always be welcome at VA and will always receive the benefits and services they’ve earned under the law,” Collins said. “But if veterans want to attempt to change their sex, they can do so on their own dime.”

…“[This] decision is a direct attack on the dignity and well-being of transgender, nonbinary, and intersex veterans, one that will have deadly outcomes,” said Lindsay Church, executive director of Minority Veterans of America. “This decision will force our community to defer or delay care and opt out of VA services altogether.

“This decision will exacerbate our already devastatingly high suicide rates and push more veterans into crisis for no reason other than hate. VA is abandoning those who have served, stripping us of critical health care protections, and sending a clear message that our lives and service to our country do not matter.”

…The National Center for Transgender Equality has estimated there are more than 134,000 transgender veterans in America today. VA officials said they believe fewer than 9,000 of the department’s 9.1 million veterans enrolled in medical care services are transgender.

I noticed they didn’t interview a single regular vet who’s been put through the wringer of the VA system. The reporter never asks a disabled vet what they thought about getting the trans flotsam and jetsam out of the mix.

Could have spared a moment to find out what a regular VA customer with messed up knees or shoulders or suffering from Agent Orange or burn pit symptoms thought about someone who wanted to be the opposite sex taking up slots and money.

Or someone who is rated permanently disabled and cannot get into the VA for treatment.

But, no. 

A balanced report like that would upset the whole ‘trans genocide’ narrative.

…Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has paused taking in any new military recruits who have a history of gender dysphoria. He has also paused taxpayer-funded trans medical procedures for service members.  

Trans activists say these efforts are trans genocide.

As Lady Gaga was kind enough to point out while berating Trump during his first term for not allowing trans in the military…

…stability is an issue, so it is yet another reason why trans do not belong in the military.

Also, while it’s dramatic, it’s not genocide when you do it to yourselves.

Taking care of transexuals’ self-induced problems for life is not a tax-payer responsibility, either.

A return to sanity is what I voted for, and it sure looks like we’re getting it.

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