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Their Strategy for Stopping Trump Is Revealed – PJ Media

Here’s a fun fact: Shakespeare wasn’t considered to be all that great in his own time. He was still a successful, popular playwright and poet — but he wasn’t recognized as the best.

That would be Christopher Marlowe. Ben Jonson was another top dog of this era.

Shakespeare only became [hushed voice; dimmed lights] “Shakespeare!” posthumously.

His rivals would’ve found today’s adulation of the Bard kind of weird. It would be like future historians reviewing our era, and then unanimously deciding that Tyler Perry was the cinematic GOAT. Forget about “The Godfather” and “Casablanca”: In the year 2225, English classes will be reciting the collective works of Madea.

That’s the trouble with being waist-deep in a historical arc: your perspective is always warped. If you know your history, you know where we’ve already been — and if you follow the news, you know where we’d like to go — but everything else is an educated guess.

Which is why we never reach a consensus. (And besides, the Political Industrial Complex is a trillion-dollar industry: way too much money in a nip-and-tuck 50%-50% partisan divide, with BOTH parties desperate for that game-winning edge. Keeps donors on both sides engaged. Ca-ching!)

But over the short term, we don’t need the power of prophecy to predict what the Democrats will do next. The Donkey Party isn’t managed by a CEO like Trump, who opportunistically pursues ideas, ranging from the takeover of Canada to turning Gaza into the Riviera. (That’s kinda hard to predict.) 

Instead, the Democrats are a rudderless ship at sea: they’re not setting a course and following it, but careening and crashing within MAGA’s mighty wake. The Donkeys need money and provisions, or they’ll starve. And the best way to attract money is with a new captain and a new mission. Thus we always predict their next move.

It’s simply Game Theory 101.

The Democrats telegraph their tactics through the media — and if I were in their shoes, I would, too. Their cozy relationship with the mainstream media has given the left an institutional advantage for a very long time. Whereas conservatives had to fight and scrap for coverage on pages 6 and 7 in the newspaper, the liberals’ agenda was proudly promoted on the front page of The New York Times. (Above the fold, too!)

The upside of their strategy is that it’s economically efficient: you don’t need to pay to get your message out if the mainstream media does it for free. And y’know, it’s hard to argue with free.

But this strategy also has a liability: if you understand their PR tactics, you can “reverse-engineer” their strategy — and then take steps to defeat it.

Until about 12 days ago, the Democrats had no strategy. They were just lost. But over the last week or so, for the very first time since the election, a Democratic strategy has emerged.

For starters, the Democrats will be auditioning a new leader every month. Right now, their candidate du jour is Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). The tip-off is when “friendly” media outlets including NBC and the New York Times suddenly churn out over-the-top puff pieces — and other outlets, such as The Hill, are opening hard news stories with sentences liberals love: “Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), who has emerged as one of his party’s loudest critics of the Trump administration…”

That’s how trial balloons work. And when Murphy flops, they’ll audition someone else. 

The second part of the Democrats’ strategy is to get far more aggressive. This means a government shutdown is 100% coming, and everything’s about to get blown to smithereens.

It’s the only way the Democrats can keep the money rolling in.

We have new polling data to review, and the numbers tell a very clear story: 31% of voters support the Dems cooperating with Trump “when he’s right, but resist when he’s wrong.” And 30% want the Democrats to completely “resist Trump and stop his agenda” — along with another 30% who want the Democrats to work with Trump. 

It’s (basically) a third in each category.

Which means the “resist” force will prevail. Why? Because there’s no money in cooperation! That’s not a strategy you can sell to your leftwing donors: “Please give us millions of dollars so we can help Donald Trump, but only a little bit.”

You can tell that the “resistance” wing of the Democratic Party is winning via the language of the mainstream media. Just yesterday, how did Politico frame the Democrats’ political options on a government shutdown?

Take a look: “Senate Democrats’ impending choice: Shutdown or surrender

See? Surrendering would be cowardly. Shutting down the government is their only choice!

Poring through the polling data, we can also expect the attacks on Elon Musk to escalate. The Dems think they’ve got something here, and they might be right: since the election, Musk’s favorability has dropped 14 points with independents, and is now underwater.

Musk has served as DOGE’s tip of the spear, but there’s a reason why tips of the spear don’t last very long: they’re targeted by the opposition and destroyed.

The polling company offered its take on how the Democrats should counter Trump:

Critiques of Trump on tangible measures — namely on his threats to Social Security and Medicare and rising food prices — outperform broad democracy-related attacks. A message about the chaos of Trump’s first month also performs well. 

The most frequently selected anti-Trump message is “Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are already considering cuts to Social Security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts for billionaires.” (56%), followed closely by messages highlighting the chaos and confusion thus far (55%) and Trump’s failures on food prices (53%).

Ah! A strategy is clearly emerging: the Democrats are gonna dive deep in the class warfare waters, tie the GOP to evil billionaires (like that dastardly Elon Musk), and accuse Republicans of destroying the country and spiking inflation — just to give the oligarchs more money. 

But we won’t see the Democrats attacking Trump on the border or immigration. By their own polling data (and make no mistake, this is a pro-Democrat company), Trump is +10 and +9 on border security and immigration. But he’s -10 on healthcare and inflation.

That’s the “weakness” the Democrats will target.

They’ll also revamp their messaging. Watch out for the not-so-subtle audition of new phrases and slogans:

Confusion about Democratic priorities remains a large barrier: 65% of voters agree that Democrats have lost their way in their opposition to Trump. Voters seek a party that returns to working-class basics and stands up for Social Security and Medicare, reproductive freedom, workers’ rights, and an economy that works for ordinary people. 

The poll shows Democrats need a sharper definition of what they stand for and a back-to-basics economic message to recapture disaffected voters.

So that’s the Democrats’ playbook. The GOP should prepare accordingly.

One Last Thing: The Democrats are on the ropes, but the donkeys are still dangerous. 2025 will either go down in history as the year we finally Made America Great Again — or the year it all slipped through our fingers. We need your help to succeed! As a VIP member, you have exclusive access to all our sites: More stories, more videos, more content, more fun, more conservatism, more EVERYTHING! And if you CLICK HERE and use the promo code FIGHT, you’ll receive a Trumpian 60% discount! 

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