To the surprise of no one on our side, I’ve had nothing but fodder for this column after President Trump’s speech on Tuesday night. The Democrats are simple and predictable whilst swirling around the moral toilet during their Executive Branch exile. Before and after any major public appearance by the president, they flood their various media channels with dull, repetitive hissy fits. They are under the impression that these displays are having an impact. In reality, they’re so insipid that it’s just so much background noise when compared to the substantive, real world achievements of the Trump 47 administration.
Still, it’s my job to keep an eye on the little creeps and mock them. It’s a nice gig.
A frequent target of my mockery over the years has been Maureen Dowd, the cauldron keeper of The New York Times Opinion coven. OK, OK, I’m not saying that these people are evil.
I’m insisting.
If scratch ‘n’ sniff internet existed, Dowd’s review of Trump’s speech would reek of cat litter, box wine, and desperation. Here is an excerpt from Mo’s latest meltdown:
When I interviewed Trump during the 2016 race, I wondered if the profane and rambunctious former reality show star could ever be presidential. He replied that he could do it if he wanted, pointing to the fact that he could get along at fancy dinners with the society matrons of Palm Beach.
But it turned out that Trump did not need to alter his behavior to be president. He simply altered the presidency to match his personality.
He has mocked Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” at political rallies, and he mocked her as “Pocahontas” again to her face in his formal address to Congress.
He sprayed the air with exaggerations and untruths at his rallies, and he didn’t feel the need to add any fact-checking as president. “A manifesto of mistruths,” proclaimed Nancy Pelosi after the speech.
The poor dear. She has her granny panties in a prog wad because President Trump is — QUELLE HORREUR! — authentic. Trump goes about his business as the leader of the free world without artifice. That greatly confuses Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media. They prefer their politicians to be sneakier; more used car salesman than true representative of the people. He tells people what he is going to do and doesn’t couch it in politician-speak, then he does it. For example, if he ever championed something called the “Inflation Reduction Act” it would, you know, reduce inflation.
Mo Dowd and her Bitterness Brigade struggle with processing honesty. They spend their lives careening from one false narrative to another; the truth practically makes them break out in hives. Trump’s “what you see is what you get” modus operandi is truly jarring to people whose lives and careers are rooted in prevarication.
The odious hallmark of these NYT and WaPo Opinion page screeds about Trump is, of course, the J6 portion of the article. They should all be wearing t-shirts that say “Still Don’t Get It” when writing these things. Never have so many people been so eager to repeatedly prove that they’re wildly out of touch with the majority of the American public.
It amuses me when anyone is surprised or offended that the President of the United States has a big ego. Humble wallflowers don’t seek the office. Ever. Jimmy Carter’s “Aw shucks,” peanut farmer shtick was nothing more than a stage persona. As a lifelong attention whore, few things irritate me more than other attention whores who pretend that they aren’t. Trump sets himself apart by keeping his love for the spotlight on full display.
Trump deserves this extended victory lap. His haters tried to ruin him financially, imprison him, and, when all of that didn’t work, they tried to kill him.
If you ask me, he’s not gloating enough.
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