
A Little Instruction on Progressives Can Be Helpful – PJ Media

So, the watercooler, coffee station, and over-the-bar conversations today are all centered around the fact that the Democrats present for Trump’s speech comported themselves with less dignity than a passel of fourth graders fighting over Pokemon cards. The level of immature behavior was astounding for people who once declared that the adults were back in charge. Naturally, the unbridled hatred spilled over into the post-game analysis.

Why all the rancor? Why did they snub a kid battling cancer and people who have lost loved ones? Why did they stay sullen and silent when they should have been applauding accomplishments that benefit the nation? Why were they defiant over the prospect of a war ending? Well, let your friendly, neighborhood recovering Democrat break it down for you. This is old territory for me, so walk with me while I take you down the dark corridors of the Progressive mind. It has been a while since I declared myself to be what used to pass for a liberal, but I think I remember enough to guide you through the weirdness. Allow me to be the Virgil to your Dante.

First, and this will likely take all of you by surprise, it is a good bet that not all of the Democrats wanted to sit on their hands or wave those insipid signs. Some of them cringed inwardly over Al Green’s hissy fit, and I’ll wager that more than a few of them wanted to stand and applaud when DJ Daniel was presented with his Secret Service badge. Not many, for sure, but some of them did. At one time, at least, many Leftists, myself included, had a grudging respect for and degree of envy of the patriotism, faith, and joy of conservatives. But you never want to let on that you feel that way. 

You see, Progressives have all the money, all the power, all the good movies, art, books, plays, and clothes. They also have all the intellectual acumen and all the fun, or at least they think they do, and they believe they are always entitled to more. As a result, the Democrat Party has become the ultimate mean-girls club/cool-kids table. Dissent is not tolerated. And they use the same Alinsky tactics on each other that they do on everyone else: identify, immobilize, and isolate. You used to get one chance to express an unapproved idea. If you did, the initial response was, “Oh, c’mon. You’re way too smart to believe that!” That was your one freebie. If you persisted in your errant thinking, then the knives came out. And it wasn’t enough just to yell at you. The person doing the berating had to make sure everyone heard them. So, to sum it up, any Dems in the crowd last night, even if they felt the slightest scintilla of empathy or patriotism, knew enough to keep their traps shut. Nobody wants to be the next Tulsi Gabbard or Lindy Li.

Believe it or not, many Dems suffer a crisis of conscience now and then. No, really. Not always or often, but it does happen. People want to be with the cultural, intellectual, and financial “in crowd,” no matter how tenuous that connection may be. While these people crave elite status—and even when they attain it—that tiny part of them that is still human reminds them that their words do not match their deeds. They yowl, yammer, and pronounce curses and imprecations, not just to throw you off their trail but to avoid dealing with that conflict within themselves. They scream invectives at Trump and you to avoid facing their own demons. They cannot deal with themselves. And should those demons get too loud, these people can salve their seared consciences by shrieking that they are for all the right things. 

They may benefit from bending or breaking the law but don’t want to get caught. And after all, if they can make you pay for their sins, why not declare their self-described righteousness from the rooftops? Why not demand that someone else sacrifice so they can say they have achieved something? In their minds, a protest is as good as, if not better than, regularly volunteering at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Sure, it is a conflict, but it’s a small price to pay for admission to the Afterparty at Aspen. This is especially true of the upper echelon of the party. I know. I used to do the same thing. It is why they are thirsting for an extended war in Ukraine and can excuse murdering a child postpartum. 

This brings us to three major facets of the progressive mind: rage, contempt, and sanctimony. As I have written before, emotion is a big part of being on the Left. Rage and contempt matter. A lot. You have to be angry. Angry at Trump, conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, it really doesn’t matter since the targets revolve all the time. But you have to be angry. And it isn’t enough just to be angry; everyone needs to know your level of indignation. And you have to be ready to deliver a barb or insult for anyone not on your side of the aisle. That rage is born of contempt. And contempt fuels political discourse, your shopping list, your mindset, and your viewing habits. In fact, it fuels most of your life. 

And from there, we head to sanctimony. Your contempt for conservatives, rural people, etc., who are responsible for all the world’s ills, must be accompanied by an equal amount of sanctimony. Poor people, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, gays, Martians, and paramecia are all victims of you-know-who. You do not consider the victims your equals since their success would detract from your station in life and deprive you of your right to feel superior. You need these people to be poor, oppressed victims so that you can engage in rage and contempt. Do you see how that works? As stated above, you aren’t actually going to do anything for them except perhaps go on a tirade or maybe attend a protest. Or you pass laws sticking it to you-know-who. Then, you can draw an easy breath and convince yourself you have struck a blow for something. 

The upshot of all of this is that the Left has created a world that is based on anger, power, and privilege. As a result, many of them are exhausted and miserable. The only cure is to start the cycle all over again so they can ignore their dilemma for a while longer. It is a tough world in which to survive, and it takes its toll on people. Some of them eventually see the cycle they are in and the propaganda surrounding it and hit the eject button. The others? Well, you saw those people on display Tuesday night. If you ask a card-carrying progressive if any of this is true, they will vehemently deny it. Only people like Gabbard and Li, and yes, even your humble guide, will acknowledge that reality. Should you pity those on the Left? Well, compassion is a virtue. Just don’t turn your back on them. 

Well, look at this: We have made our way through the maze and are back out in the bright sunlight again. Thank you for allowing me to escort you on this little sojourn. For some of you, I may have confirmed what you have always suspected. For others, this may have been an eye-opener. As Peachy Keenan once said, it’s a lot of Pow-Wow Chow to unpack, so take your time sifting through it. If nothing else, I hope I have given you a little insight from a former insider and a better understanding of not just what went on during Trump’s speech but with whom you are dealing. 

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